Laid off, downsized - whatever word you call it, losing your job is arguably one of the most traumatic events that can occur in one's life. Unfortunately, it has become quite commonplace in today's economic environment. My goal here is to offer some useful pointers and relay some insights from my own personal experiences to hopefully help you get through this situation, and to emerge a better, stronger person.
Don't Panic
Chances are that you will experience shock, anger, and maybe even depression to a certain degree. These are normal feelings, and in my opinion, they should be acknowledged and dealt with. With that said, it's important not to panic. Fear can immobilize us and cloud our thinking processes - neither of which is very helpful. Although as a single parent, I can certainly identify with the fear and deluge of questions about how you'll make it financially, you cannot afford to let fear cause you to make rash decisions about your future.
You'll most likely have some well-meaning friends or family who will urge you to jump right into your new job search immediately. I understand the rationale behind this, which is that you don't want to wallow in self-pity. I definitely agree. However, it will serve you much better to use the downtime you now have to engage in some serious self-reflection. Exactly how much time to take will depend on your personal circumstances, and I'm certainly in no position to give a timeframe here. You know better than anyone else how long you'll need. The point to take away from this is to seriously ask yourself what you'd truly like to do with your life from here on out. It could be that you've been accepting jobs that you really didn't like out of what you perceived as necessity. Do you want to continue along that path, or pursue a career that fulfills you? Once you figure out what that is, (and don't rush the process!) make it happen.
Dust Off Those Old Dreams
One of the biggest motivators to starting your own business is finding yourself without a nine-to-five. I can attest to that personally. So ask yourself: Has being self-employed been your dream? Or perhaps you had a "side-hustle" while you were employed. Now that you have the time on your hands, why not turn it into a full - time venture? And don't let a lack of funds stop you. Good old sweat equity and resourcefulness will at least get you started. To quote Nike: Just do it! Whatever it is, whether it's completing your college degree or starting your own catering business, you can now use the time and energy that you devoted to working for someone else to invest in yourself. Take the necessary steps to make the dream reality. If there are others who will be affected by your decision, such as spouses and children, by all means, clue them in. Hopefully, they will provide their support and encouragement.
Tips to Surviving a Layoff
Surround yourself with lots of positive energy. This comes from supportive friends, family, and sometimes even total strangers who just happen to be in the same boat as you. On a personal note, I leaned more heavily than ever on my Faith to get through it. That's very individual, but the point is to plug into the positive so that you may get on with the business of moving on. Here are a few helpful tips to getting through a layoff successfully.
· Volunteer. One of the best ways to take the focus off of your own situation is to focus on helping others. Go online or to your local library to find out where the available opportunities are to volunteer your time and talents.
· Once you're ready, ask for help in your job search. Ask friends and family if they know of any job openings. If you're looking to switch careers, look into going back to school or maybe entry - level positions that will get your foot in the door.
· Get out of the house. Staring at four walls every day would depress anybody. Get out and mingle! Hit Starbucks, go to the local park, have lunch with a friend. It will do wonders for your mood, and get you motivated. This is also an excellent opportunity to use your networking skills.
Final Thoughts
Being laid off does not - I repeat NOT - mean that your life is over. It means that your life is changing significantly, yes. But how you react to it makes all the difference. It's all about perception. If it is perceived as an opportunity instead of an unfortunate event, then you can turn it into a stepping stone to something better.
If it weren't for my layoff, I probably wouldn't have written this article, started this blog, or decided to grow my resume writing business full - time. It just goes to show: you'd be surprised how setbacks can turn into setups for success.
Marsha owns and operates Key Image Resumes in Phoenix, AZ, a professional resume and curriculum vitae writing service. She brings five years of expertise to the table, and believes in the importance of using the ever-evolving talent acquisition trends to better position you for success. She specializes in individuals who have been downsized and who wish to leverage their skills in order to make a transition into a new career. Key Image crafts targeted resumes to help market your skills and accomplishments successfully. Marsha's creativity and desire to help connect people with fulfilling careers helps her stand out from the rest.
For a professional resume or CV consultation and rewrite, visit: today.
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