Many companies advertise job vacancies whenever there is shortage of employees in an organization. With a large number of college and university graduates, such companies receive lots of applications from job seekers. To settle for the best individual, a company may conduct job interviews based on a successful applicant's CV. However, this is not enough and it is essential for a company to conduct job evaluation in order to determine an absolute worth of a job. From an applicant's CV, it is easy to tell the kind of a person a company is about to employ and for more consistency, when it comes to salaries, job evaluation is essential as it reduces inequalities in employee salary structure.
Its helps a company get the best employees
Different jobs in today's age require competent individual who can deliver the best services. Specialization is therefore a key factor that enables an employer to choose a suitable person to fit in the organization. Job vacancies attract a large number of applications and through job evaluation, it becomes easier for an employer to filter applicants by settling for those who are specialized in different fields. It plays a crucial role in selecting individuals who are better placed to deliver services that meet and surpass market standards.
It helps cultivating a good working relationship between new and old employees
An attractive CV from an application is very important as it provides information on educational background of a person among other relevant details. However, job interviews only provide a guide towards choosing a competent individual but not choosing a person who will work well with other employees harmoniously. In this connection, job evaluation is very important because many controversies are minimized. With professional job evaluation, it becomes simple to maintain congenial relationship between new and old employees in a company irrespective of academic and salary differences. Therefore, as an employer, it is essential to carry out proper job evaluation apart from normal employment routines.
Its vital in Standardization and relevance of new vacancies
Job evaluation is also very essential for Standardization and relevance of new vacancies in an organization. When it comes to standardization, it helps an employer to offer suitable salaries to each employee. Standardization can never be achieved without job evaluation, and an employer has to be keen enough to avoid unnecessary salary differentials at place of work. What's more, it helps both a job applicant and an employer to understand the relative value of a job. When both come to an understanding, a better relationship is also built between an employee and his or her employer where both will work for the benefit of the organization.
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